Top Signs You Must Detox NOW!

December 7, 2022

It is that time of year when festivities and holidays take place. That means—it is time to DETOX from the goodies, treats, and drinks that make us merry.

Detoxing has a lasting impact on your overall health. Waiting to get healthy makes room for illness in the long run.

Here are the top signs you must detox NOW:

lose weight

Cannot Lose Weight

You have tried everything to lose weight, including:

  • Fasting
  • Dieting
  • Cardio
  • And more

If you cannot lose weight, it may be a sign your body needs to detox to fully rejuvenate itself. Too many toxins can cause your body to not properly function and it struggles to rid of waste.

Always Sick

If you are constantly sick, your body is trying to tell you something. Over-the-counter remedies can only assist a body that bears a strong foundation.

Detoxing allows your body to strengthen itself and increase immune system efficacy. Ridding your body of illness strengthens your natural infection fighters—your white blood cells—and leads to a healthier path.

back pain

Chronic Pain

If you are one of the 100 million Americans who suffer from chronic pain, detox may be the key for you! Inflammation is the main underlying cause of chronic pain.

The foods we eat—including unhealthy food—ultimately determine how well our bodies fight inflammation. Detoxing the harmful chemicals can calm inflammation and promote pain remedies.

Bottom Line – Detox

Research shows endless benefits of body detoxification. From the food and drinks, we ingest to the outdoor pollution, removing these toxins promotes a healthy body and peace of mind.

Detoxing greatly improves overall health, aids in weight loss, and helps chronic pain sufferers. You too can enjoy a healthy, fulfilling life full of vitality.

To start your detox journey, contact Dr. Taj Haynes, CHI Certified Health Coach!



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