Modern Medicine: Real Reasons Why We Struggle With Health

February 22, 2023
Modern Medicine

There’s no question that modern medicine has made incredible advances in recent years. However, there are also real reasons why we struggle to get healthy when modernizing medicine. It’s not just because we’re lazy or making bad choices. Inefficiencies in the system are preventing us from achieving our full potential for health and well-being. Here’s a closer look at some of the problems.

High Cost of Modern Medicine

It is unfortunately true that high medical care costs are often a significant obstacle to people who need or want medical treatment. Bills can be high and unaffordable, leaving many feeling frustrated and helpless when they are unable to provide themselves or their loved ones with the health services they need.

modernizing medicine

Fortunately, some healthcare providers offer payment plans or other options to help those in need access necessary medical care at an affordable rate. Being aware of available resources and looking into these options can help individuals facing high medical expenses have hope that they can still receive the best possible care for themselves or their families. Ultimately, the best care is preventative care by removing toxins, exercising, and eating organic whole-food meals.

Lack of Access to Quality Care

Access to health care should never be out of reach. It’s heartbreaking to think of vulnerable individuals and communities struggling without access, yet all too often, that’s the reality in many parts of the world. With vast differences between access and quality within communities, some people feel left behind and overwhelmed with no idea how to fix it.

Instead of being met with comprehensive care, they’re left feeling helpless and hopeless when access isn’t adequate or even possible due to financial issues or lack of infrastructure. Radically improving access is going to take a team effort from all involved parties, but we can start by educating those who are most affected by a lack of access. Doing so will ensure that everyone has the information needed to become their best doctor and rely on the quality care they need and deserve in an emergency.

Reliance on Technology – A Decline in the Human Touch

We are living in a time where technology has become so advanced that it can do almost anything; from communicating with someone on the other side of the world to ordering food for delivery. While technology can streamline many daily tasks and make life more comfortable, there has been an unfortunate consequence of relying too much on machines – the human touch has been lost.

modern family medicine

Human connection is important in our lives and when contact between people becomes limited it can have far-reaching implications for our health and well-being. We should never take for granted how powerful a simple hug, handshake, or kind word can be. Interactions like these are irreplaceable and provide us with essential social stimulation.

Technology has its place, but we must remember that ultimately human connections are irreplaceable. When was the last time you felt that your doctor actually listened to you and engaged with you?

Side Effects of Medications

The truth of the matter is that medications often can have more severe side effects than the ailment they are intended to address. Unfortunately, many patients don’t even consider side effects when taking a medication. Yet, this can be central to their overall health.

As far as it’s feasible, look into all expected side effects before using a new medication, and don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor if you experience anything out of the ordinary should you decide to take the medicine.

modern family medicine struggle to get healthy

It is almost always better to try alternate approaches such as diet, detox, and exercise where possible. Certain conditions or injuries may require medication regardless. At any rate, it’s important to weigh your options so that you face fewer risks in tackling an illness or disorder. Remember the decision is yours.

Hospital-acquired Infections are a Serious Problem

An estimated 100,000 people in the United States die each year due to hospital-acquired infections, making them a serious concern for many patients. Not only can these infections detract from already necessary treatments, but they can also extend the time spent in the hospital and create larger expenses.

Tackling this problem will require great strides in hygiene practices and the implementation of better infection control precautions. Although it is impossible to guarantee total safety from such maladies, healthy lifestyle choices are the essential first step to avoiding unnecessary hospital stays. Awareness among both hospital staff and patients alike is an essential next step in curbing the incidents of hospital-acquired infections.

Modern Medicine Red Tape and Bureaucracy

Obtaining medical treatment can often feel daunting because of all the red tape and bureaucracy that’s involved. It’s easy to become overwhelmed and discouraged while trying to jump through hoops to get the help you need.

Why We Struggle To Get Healthy

While the process may not be ideal, it is something that will most likely always have to be dealt with in the medical system. Often having a compassionate advocate in your corner who knows how to navigate these murky waters can make an immense difference. They ensure you get what you need faster and easier than trying it alone. This is why I believe the United States medical system is collapsing and people are turning to health coaches more than ever.

Real Reasons Why We Struggle To Get Healthy

Medical care is a highly valued right that everyone should have access to and deserve quality care when they receive it. Despite the cost, patient advocacy and empowerment can help make sure individuals get the care they need.

Unfortunately, reliance on technology often negates the human touch involved in providing medical services, but this doesn’t mean there aren’t options out there for those looking for personal care. Moreover, many of the side effects associated with medications can be worse than the original ailment, making patients explore alternative treatment options.

Additionally, hospital-acquired infections are a major concern to those seeking healthcare and procedures in hospitals. Lastly, navigating through all of the red tape and bureaucracy surrounding medical insurance to ensure one gets proper treatment is a huge challenge that many individuals face across the country. While these issues may seem daunting to overcome, shining light on them helps build awareness so that we can work together for proper care. I do feel that more and more people will become empowered, becoming their best doctor, and seeking how to care for themselves outside the current system.



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