How Evil Acidosis Fuels Your Acidic Body Symptoms

June 13, 2023

Acidosis and Its Impact On Health

The human body is a complex system of millions of cells working together to maintain vital functions. One critical factor that affects the proper functioning of the body is the acidity level or pH. A body with acidosis is one where the pH level is too low, causing an imbalance in the body’s natural chemistry and fueling many common acidic body symptoms.

Acidic body symptoms include problems such as fatigue, inflammation, and even disease. The foods we eat, our stress levels, and even the air we breathe can all make our bodies more acidic. By understanding the impact of an acidic body on our health, we can make better choices to maintain the proper balance and promote optimal health.

Acid Body Symptoms

A body in an acidosis state, with an acidic pH (low pH), is a breeding ground for a variety of diseases. These diseases can vary in severity and include anything from tooth decay to cancer.

Acidic Body Symptoms

When our body’s pH level is too acidic, we create an environment that is perfect for harmful bacteria and viruses to thrive in. Some common symptoms of an acidic body include fatigue, muscle pain, and a weakened immune system.

To maintain a healthy pH level, it’s important to consume a balanced diet consisting of alkaline-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables. Additionally, exercising regularly and reducing stress levels will also help maintain a healthy pH balance in the body.

Acidosis – Diet, Lifestyle, and Environmental factors

The foods we eat and how we live our lives can significantly impact the pH balance of our bodies. Consuming a diet high in processed foods, sugar, and unhealthy fats can contribute to an acidic environment within our bodies.


Lack of exercise, inadequate sleep, and high levels of stress can further exacerbate this acidity. Environmental factors such as pollution and exposure to toxins can also play a role. It’s important to prioritize a balanced diet, regular exercise, and stress management techniques to maintain a healthy pH balance in the body.

Additionally, taking steps to reduce exposure to harmful environmental toxins can help reduce acidity levels and improve overall health.

Natural Remedies and Supplements

When we think of acidity, we might imagine something sour or acidic, like a lemon or lime. In our bodies, however, high levels of acidity can lead to discomfort and even health problems.

Thankfully, there are many natural remedies and supplements that can help lower our acidity levels. For example, drinking water with lemon or apple cider vinegar can be effective, as can incorporating more alkaline foods like leafy greens and fruits into our diets.

Acidosis Natural Remedies

Ginger and turmeric are also excellent anti-inflammatory supplements that can help reduce acidity levels. As an expert on the topic, I highly recommend exploring these natural remedies for a healthier, more alkaline body.

Reducing Acidic Body Symptoms

Achieving a healthier alkaline balance in the body is crucial for maintaining optimal health. Incorporating more fresh fruits and vegetables into your daily diet is key. These foods are naturally alkaline and can help to neutralize the acidic environment in your body.

Additionally, staying hydrated with water and cutting back on acidic drinks like soda can further support an alkaline balance. Regular exercise is also important as it can help to reduce acidity and promote overall wellness.

Finally, reducing stress and getting enough sleep can help to regulate your body’s pH levels. Keep in mind that small changes can make a big difference in achieving a healthier alkaline balance in the body.

Leave Acidosis In The Past

Hopefully, this blog has provided some clarity about acidosis and acidic body symptoms, the diseases it can cause, and how we can create a healthier alkaline balance. Some of us could be having seemingly unrelated illnesses that are actually caused by acidity.

The good news is these issues can be tackled with the right dietary changes, lifestyle choices, natural remedies, and sometimes a few supplements. It’s time to get serious about health and create an environment where wellness can thrive.

At the same time don’t forget to enjoy life’s pleasures like delicious food, relaxed times with family and friends, and sunsets at the beach. Simple things that make us feel alive! Why not give it try?

If you need help getting on track or would like to discuss your case further; Dr. Taj is there for you with his expertise in natural health. Ready to finally put health issues behind you – contact Dr. Taj today!



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