Common Killer Toxins Are Harming You

December 17, 2022
most common killer toxins

The most common killer toxins are inevitable. With over 8 billion people on the planet and 75,000 chemicals that are licensed for use in the United States, you are bound to run into them.

Toxins spawn further than the average person may realize. The majority can be found in your very own surroundings!

Here are the most common toxins that may be harming you:

Sugar is poison


Considered “the white death”, sugar is the ultimate toxin. Sugar can be found in the majority of food and drink we consume throughout the day.

A Harvard study states that sugar is the driving force behind leading killers—like heart disease. Sugar can cause diabetes and more health issues.


Found in soft plastics, phthalate is a chemical that does not bond with the plastic and thus is eventually released into the air. They are thought to harm endocrine systems—especially in children.

Plastic wraps, children’s toys, water bottles, and more household items contain phthalates. Experts suggest limiting their use.

alcohol is poison


Although a traditional staple of the average pastime, alcohol is a toxin. No matter what type—beer, wine, or hard liquor—your liver must detoxify it.

Alcohol can cause a slew of health problems including liver failure, breath health issues, colon cancer, and more. Although legal, alcohol can be fatal.


Pollutants such as pesticides, vehicle emissions, and cigarette smoke are everywhere. Unfortunately, too much exposure can cause deterioration of the body’s health.

Contamination can occur in the air, water, and soil. Air and water filters can assist with limiting exposure and preventing future health issues.

plastics xenoestrogens

Bottom Line on the Most Common Killer Toxins

Toxins are everywhere. We can reduce our exposure to toxins by being more self-aware.

Pay attention to your household purchases in addition to your own environmental pollution contributions. We all play a vital role in keeping toxins at bay and living long, happy, healthy lives. Learn how to detox these toxins with Coach Doctor Taj.



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