How Toxins Create Disease and Overwhelming Sickness

December 22, 2022
deadly toxins

It is not secret that toxins damage our bodies. Toxins can be found virtually everywhere. Toxins create disease and can create a plethora of health problems. A large quantity of these problems can prove damaging to our long-term health—and even fatal.

Here are how toxins create disease:

Toxins Poison Enzymes

Enzymes are relied upon to create and produce molecules, energy, and develop cell structures. These components are essential to the proper functioning of the human body.

Toxins internally damage these structures and hijack many body functions whilst causing diseases. This inhibits production of hemoglobin found in the blood, which carries oxygen.

Toxins poison enzymes

Toxins Damage Organs

Virtually every organ in your body can be damaged by oxygen. The organs with toxin damage that are most dangerous to your overall health include:

  • Kidneys
  • Liver
  • Digestive tract

These organs must detoxify. Should these organs be severely damaged, they can hold in the toxins where disease and cancer can grow.

toxins damage cell membranes

Toxins Damage Cell Membranes

Cell membranes are utilized in the body to “signal” body function. Any damage to these delicate membranes halts their proper function and getting important messages to the brain.

A common example is insulin and the lack of signaling the cells to absorb the right amount of sugar. This can lead to diabetes and disease.

Toxins Stop Detoxification

When your body cannot properly detox outside and inner toxins, trouble is awaiting. The body’s detox systems are an essential feature to remove toxins and waste to protect the health of the overall body.

When the toxic load is too heavy, it overwhelms the detoxification process. The more toxins, the harder it is for your detoxification pathways to function.

Toxins create disease

Bottom Line – Toxins Create Disease

Toxins are damaging. Too many toxins can override your entire detoxification system.

Cell membranes, enzyme poisoning, and organ damage are the most common toxins. These toxins cause disease which can be life-threatening.

For more information on how to detoxify your body to stop disease progress and reverse chronic disease, schedule a call with Dr. Taj.



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