Keeping the body healthy is of utmost importance—especially with forever toxins here to stay. Health has taken a front seat in many people’s lives, but has excretion?
One of the most important body functions is bodily excretion. It is imperative to have good functioning excretion for grade-A health.
Here is everything you need to know about the importance of bodily excretion:

What is Excretion?
Excretion is a bodily function that rids the body of waste. It is vital to the health of the body. Excretion can happen in the form of:
- Exhaled air
- Sweat
- Kidneys
- Urination
- Defecation
Many chemical reactions exist in the body where waste is consistently being created. Removing the waste products occurs in the excretory system.
Waste Products in the Body
Numerous waste products inhabit the body that must be removed. They include:
- Nitrogenous waste products
- Non-nitrogenous waste products
- Excess chemicals
- CO2
- Excess water
- Bile pigments i.e. biliverdin and bilirubin
- Excess chemicals i.e. drugs, vitamins, hormones

Why is Excretion Important?
Excretion regulates the systemic functioning of the body’s organs. In other words, it keeps us healthy and prevents chemicals from overloading our bodies and causing cancers, diseases, and more.
Eating a healthy diet, drinking lots of water, and exercising regularly can help the body’s digestive and excretory systems. It can also regulate blood pressure levels and body temperature. Healthy bowel movements can cause chronic digestive illnesses such as:
- Constipation
- Bacterial gastro infections
- Diarrhea
- And more
How to Keep the Excretory System Healthy
Drinking a lot of water helps keep the body healthy as it acts as a detox mechanism. Exercising promotes a healthy body and organ functioning by assisting in waste removal and sweating out toxins. It even provides highly oxygenated blood to the excretory system.
Eat healthily and minimize toxin overload such as ingesting processed foods or products riddled with chemicals. Our bodies function best when we treat them well. For more information on how to properly open the excretion pathways, visit our service pages for the best detox programs.