The Hidden Truth About Chronic Disease

January 21, 2023
Chronic Disease

Your health is the most important thing in your life. Without good health, the quality of life diminishes significantly with the onset of chronic disease.

Chronic diseases can be life-altering. 6 in 10 Americans live with chronic disease.

Here are the facts you need to know about chronic diseases:

What is Chronic Disease?

Chronic diseases are known as any ailment or condition that lasts longer than a year. Many people believe that ongoing medical attention is typically required for the continual medical issue. However, many chronic diseases can be prevented and reversed by reducing and eliminating the toxins that create disease.

Chronic diseases are ones that last a long time and have a bad impact on your life. They can make your life worse and cause mental health problems.

meds do not heal chronic disease

Most Common Chronic Diseases

The most common chronic diseases include:

  • Heart disease
  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Depression
  • Arthritis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Stroke
  • Obesity
  • Alzheimer’s
  • And more

What Causes Chronic Diseases?

Many factors can contribute to developing a chronic condition. Conventional thinking believes that Genetic disorders, allergies, and congenital defects are the most common reasons for disease. I do not believe this to be true. The root cause of disease and sickness is toxins.

In addition, lifestyle choices can greatly contribute to chronic health issues. For example, tobacco use, inactivity, poor nutrition, and excessive alcohol use are directly correlated to chronic disease development.

Reverse chronic disease

How to Prevent Chronic Disease

All hope is not lost! You play a key role in the prevention of many chronic diseases.

First, begin to eliminate the accumulated toxins in your body with a properly designed detox program. Second, identify risky behaviors—such as alcohol and smoking use. Third, clean your environment by reducing the toxins you are exposed to on a daily basis. This includes food, water, air, land, and your home. By changing your lifestyle choices, you can change the outcome of the rest of your life.

Eating healthy and exercising regularly can greatly reduce your risk of developing chronic diseases. Lean protein, organic non-GMO whole grains, vegetables, and low-fat foods are best for your gut and health. Most importantly, clean your body free of toxins.

Bottom Line

Although some people are predisposed to genetic chronic diseases, we play a hand in our health. These genes do not need to be expressed. Making smarter health choices can make all the difference. Remember, your environment will determine how genes are expressed. Or should I say, your toxic environment?

Eating healthier, getting more exercise, and detoxing will increase the quality of your life. Prevention and living a toxin-free life is the best way to stay chronic disease-free!



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