Why A Healthy Mouth is Vital for Your Overall Health: Top Reasons You Need to Know

February 24, 2023
healthy mouth

It is more important than ever to stay on top of our health now that there are new viruses and medical issues. Dental health is one part of our overall health that we should not forget about. A healthy mouth may just be the most important part of the body to keep healthy.

A healthy mouth can tell us a lot about overall health since it serves as the gateway to many areas in the body. Taking good care of our teeth and gums prevents decay and gum disease which can cause a variety of medical issues if left untreated.

When a dentist looks at a healthy mouth, they know the person has healthy pathways into their body and that the organs and systems inside the body are working well. Prevention through healthy dental habits is one way that we can stay ahead of any potential illnesses before they start.

Here is everything you need to know about why dental hygiene matters:

healthy inside of mouth

Healthy Mouth Means Keep Your Teeth and Gums Healthy

Brushing your teeth on a regular basis is incredibly important and can yield major health benefits. Not only will healthy teeth and gums help you maintain an attractive, winning smile, but they will also help preserve your oral health and prevent the development of tooth decay and gum disease.

Cavities and gum disease can cost you a lot of money and make you sick. So if you want to have healthy teeth and gums, brush your teeth properly. Flossing regularly will also help prevent cavities and gum disease.

Regular Dentist Visits Help with Early Disease Detection

It is important to visit the dentist regularly to keep your mouth healthy. Your dentist knows a lot about teeth and gums, but also other aspects of health.

Your dentist can find the following:

  • Diabetes
  • Teeth grinding
  • Acid reflux
  • Vitamin deficiencies
  • Heart problems
  • Dementia
  • Oral cancers
  • Osteoporosis
  • Mental health issues
  • And more
inside of healthy mouth

Health Mouth Connected to Overall Health

Your mouth is a breeding ground for bacteria, and if the populations become unbalanced, it can cause serious health issues.

In order to protect against infections, inflammation, and illnesses, it is necessary to manage bacterial growth. These problems may manifest in more than just tooth decay or gingivitis.

The following health issues are linked to poor oral health:

  • Endocarditis – infection of the inner lining of the heart
  • Cardiovascular disease – clogged arteries with the potential for stroke
  • Pneumonia – mouth bacteria can end up in your lungs, causing this and other respiratory diseases
  • Pregnancy/birth complications – premature birth and low birth weight can occur from periodontitis
  • And more chronic disease

For more health information, contact Dr. Taj M. Haynes today!



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